Monday, April 6, 2009

sun april 5th

Met Fischer (active) at the gate at 630am. He was hung-over. Waited for Meeks, he showed up, he was hung-over. Steinguard was late, we left without him. We didn’t want to offend the KN’s, it’s a big deal that they invited us. We meet up with mr. Kim, ms. Kim, mr. Khan, and mr. Chan at the terminal. Steinguard finally showed up. He was hungover. See a pattern? At took two and a half hours to get there by train. The ride doesn’t bother me because of all the views of the city. It is amazing how many High-rise condominiums there are in Seoul. Everything is vertical! I read that 43% of the entire population of Korea lives in the Seoul region. We get there and at a little food shack we eat some Kim-bop, it’s almost like a portable sushi-roll. The mountains look awesome, but intimidating. The actives are still hung-over, I don’t envy them one bit! We start the climb. Pretty soon the mountain is completely kicking my #$^&! Remember, I’m pretty sore already from yesterday, and starting the day jogging in the morning for the first time in a month was not a good idea. I will not quit though! Some parts we need to use rope to climb up. I am so thankful I bought hiking boots from the exchange. Mr. Kim is hiking it like its nothing, I’m realizing that I do not see one fat person trying to do this hike! We get to the top, just spectacular views! Now we go down, we go by the largest Buddha statue in all of Korea, nestled in this mountain. How on earth did they build it? I was a little disappointed they all wanted to leave so soon, I really wanted to see it. We get down, I’m thinking we’re almost done but we are going up another mountain! The rest of the trip was more of an endurance race. Not very enjoyable but I got some great pictures. I kept thinking, I’m at a place where not many people in all of the entire United States have ever been to. I’m so sore, so tired, but I just keep pushing, pushing. When we’re finished the KN’s treated us to an authentic Korean meal. VERY, VERY SPICY!! Different, I would’ve liked it more if it was chicken instead of the fattie pork! It was a great time. Talking, laughing, the KN’s have a great sense of humor and they love to talk smack about us with each other in Korean. It’s all done in fun though. The laugher of the trip: We are sitting on the floor eating and I tell everyone I want to take a picture. I get up and I look like an 80 year old man, I’m so sore!! Everyone start’s laughing! We eventually get back, I take a hot bath, get takeout fettucine from Chili’s, and crash. A great experience, but I would only do that hike every ten years. It may take me that long to not be sore from the last one!


  1. Hello Tim!! Been reading your blogs every day,Its like reading a fabulous book!! So many exciting & fascinating experience's for you.We have been praying for you & your fellow brothers over in Korea.I am so proud & honored by everything you have done.Your students seem pretty cool! Talked with Gina she is doing good & boy does Jenna love her Daddy!!! If you can pick me up a little souvenir that would cool.Most of all have a great time!!! I Love You Tim, Love Sis Holly

  2. Hey dont know where the dirty dozen harp player came from?? Any way it is Holly....

  3. Hi Tim,
    Your blog is amazing! It is so cool to hear about your adventures. Hey, don't let those guys stress you out. Be careful if you travel alone! I'll keem the prayers coming.
    Jess was down for 12 days had a wonderful time. I will fill you in later. I love you.

    P.S. Hi Holly, I love you too!
